Go South Australia!
Since February 2021, South Australia now has its first 10 star-rated energy efficient home with the construction process finished at the Woodforde property in Adelaide’s eastern suburbs. @suho_australia
The property uses the latest technology and innovation including roof, walls, windows and floor construction methods and materials to reduce energy consumption.
A house which is rated 10 out of 10 stars under the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) does not need artificial heating and cooling to keep you comfortable which could significantly reduce household bills and benefit the environment. Instead of air conditioning, the property uses energy recovery to change the temperature of fresh air supply with the outgoing indoor passively controlled air.
“Around Australia more than 75 per cent of homes that get assessed under the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme only achieve six or less stars, so to have a 10 star-rated home in South Australia is very exciting.” Go SA!
“Demand for low emissions and climate smart products is growing, and South Australia is well equipped to use our abundance of sun, wind and other natural resources to take full advantage of this growing demand.”
“What is most exciting is the interest growing on the other aspects ‘demonstrated in the home such as human health, indoor air quality, alleviating respiratory conditions and behavioural benefits which directly relate to aged care, education, hospitals and the like,” Ms Nordstrom said.
Article by Noble, K. ‘Adelaide’s first 10 star energy efficient home’ Glam Adelaide, 16th March 2021. Glam Adelaide